Seeding costs money. So, it makes sense to make seeding as economic as possible. Removing weed seeds is vital to ensure that weeds are not planted instead of crop seed. Planting weeds not only increases the weed seed bank on farm, but it also increases the population of herbicide resistant weeds on farm. Gravity grading is the only way to remove these seeds and doing so is much cheaper and more effective than trying (and failing) to control with later with expensive chemicals.
By having seed graded it ensures that you are not planting:
• Weed seeds – can be 100% removed
• Chaff, dirt and other non-seed contaminants
• Other crops are removed
• Frost affected and insect damaged grain are both lighter and are removed
• Seed that is damaged, shrivelled or unviable is also removed
By removing these unwanted elements from seed, it allows seeding to run much more smoothly. Due to the uniform nature of the graded seed there are fewer blockages during seeding, saving time and paddocks are sown evenly as intended.
Treating seed before planting gives it the best start and gives the best chances of a bigger yield and more profit. We provide a great range of seed dressings for every need, so please speak to your local operator today.